Sunday, October 10, 2010

Robert Stacy McCain's Readers Care About Breast Cancer Awareness Month

I know that I said that I probably wouldn't be back before lack tomorrow or Tuesday but my girlfriend needed a nap and I think that I broke her pussy, so here I am.

Anyhow, I was going through my referrer this morning and found that I was getting an abnormal number of hits from Right Girl's link to me from a week ago; skippystalin is a Boob Man. I rarely see an increase in hits as a link gets older, and after three or four days, they tend to disappear entirely. So I did some digging.

It turns out that The Other McCain's loyal sidekick, Smitty, linked Right Girl's link to me. I can understand an indirect link, since McCain runs a fairy tidy shop, whereas I decidedly don't.

There's also the matter of the rest of my content. Y'know, the political stuff. I don't know if Mr. McCain or Smitty read any of my recent posts, but my political viewpoint is somewhat different than is theirs. They're quite happy with the Republican and Tea Parties and I'm quite vocally of another opinion. I think conservatism can be smarter, better and less busy-bodyish.

But if there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's that the truly important things in life can bridge the divide between divergent opinions. As I'm sure everybody knows, few things are important as a healthy set of cans. For that reason, I'd like to welcome Mr.McCain's readership here and encourage them to do everything they can to defeat the scourge of breast cancer.

This is important and transcends the pettiness that comes with the schism within the conservative movement. These are tits that we're talking about, people. Big ones, little ones, white ones, black ones, Asian ones and, yes, even Eskimo ones. A great pair of funbags is a terrible thing to waste and I hope that you all join me in saving them.

That's why I'd like to tell the readers of The Other McCain the same thing that I've been telling all of you. If there's anything that you can do to support the cause, do it. If a charitable group catches your eye, throw them a few bucks. If there's a product out there that's pledging a portion of their profits to breast cancer research, buy it.

Bloggers and their readers can do good when we want to. This is our chance to prove it.


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