Friday, October 1, 2010

It's That Time of Year Again!

As you've likely figured out by now, I love women. I love them so much that they make me ache and quiver in my naughty places upwards of 63 times a day. Some folks think that's shallow, but I don't. I think it just makes me someone who physically reacts to beauty in ways that make it obvious how much I appreciate it. And, restraining orders aside, I think that women are flattered by that.

I primarily consider myself a vagina man, as most of you already know. If god created anything better than that, He kept it to Himself. There's no place I'd rather keep my fingers, face, mighty wang, keys and cigarette lighter than between a woman's legs.

However, I don't love the ham purse to exclusion of everything else. Just mostly. I'm a connisuer of the female form in its totality, which means that I love breasts as well. Any modern gentleman will tell you that the way into a woman's pants is through her breasts. Playing with, sucking, biting and pinch them will make everything that follows that much easier. If you lack the patience for foreplay, I recommend that you have a really nice car.

Anything that harms a woman's a titties is something I consider to be a personal enemy and something that should be defeated at all costs. That's why breast cancer has to be destroyed, annhilated and reduced to nothing more than a bad memory. It's a terrible disease and one that I'm sure that you join me in wanting to cure.

As it is once again October - Breast Cancer Awareness Month - I'm proud to announce that I'm stealing the ideas of teaming up with Girl on the Right to help out for a second year. I may not be posting on this every day because doing it last year gave me a cramp. But I will be doing it regularly through the month.

Wendy wants you to know that if you purchase selected items through, they will donate some of the proceeds to the cause.

Help out. You'll be glad you did. And so will Shay Lauren!



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