Friday, October 29, 2010

Jean Schmidt is Good With Kids

I hate social conservatives because they're really only liberals with worse attitudes. It's actually difficult to consider them conservatives at all, given the size of the government that would be required to enact their agenda. You'd be surprised how many bureaucrats it takes to properly regulate your genitals.

However, I do agree with Team Jesus on one point: That sex education for pre-teens is wrong for a number of reasons. The first priority of an educational establishment is that the little bastards enrolled therein be able to read, write and perform basic arithmetic. Test anyone on the street who looks to be under thirty. See what a good job the schools have done? Now imagine that they took a class devoted to fucking.

Second, there's no good reason for the educational system to be involved with sex when there's all that more great pornography free available than at any time in human history. Most school teachers are dowdy looking and might creep the children out. Everyone would be much better off learning about sex from, say, Carmel Moore.

Chances are that the U.S Representative of the Second District of Ohio, Jean Schmidt isn't a particularly big fan of sex education, either. But don't let that fool you. She's bringing SexyBack for the kids in her own special way.

A Republican Congresswoman shocked teachers and students alike this month when she decided to talk about abortion to a classroom of 6-year-olds.

Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-OH) ventured into the age-inappropriate territory during a speech at a Cincinnati Catholic school, where she addressed a room of students ranging from first to eighth graders.

"Unexpectedly, towards the end of her address, Congresswoman Schmidt brought up the topic of abortion," Prinicipal Dan Teller wrote in a letter to parents, obtained by Cincinnati's "Your children may come home with questions, especially if this is a topic that has not been broached in your home."

Though the abortion-related portion of the speech was reported to last under two minutes, it may be the only part anyone will remember.

“She defined abortion as the taking of a child's life in the mother's womb,” Teller wrote in the letter. "She indicated that abortion involves the killing of a child before it is born."

Noting that Schmidt "was not invited to further any political agenda,” he apologized to parents "for any confusion or fear that this may elicit on the part of your child, and for the awkward position this may put you in of introducing a difficult issue at a time that may be premature for you."

Abortion was not originally included in her speech, but Schmidt reportedly decided to address the issue in the question-and-answer period after her talk.

While speaking about the connection between moral issues and legislation, she used abortion as an example to illustrate her point.
This woman is my hero! In fact, I'd probably marry her if she wasn't old, ugly and bouncing off the fucking walls crazy.

Just imagine the level of difficulty in describing how a mother murders her baby in the womb to people too young to know how the baby got there in the first place. That's practically an Olympic feat and Congresswoman Schmidt should be congratulated for pulling it off so flawlessly. Psychically scarring young children just weeks before their parents are going to vote also requires a level of political skill that really shouldn't be overlooked.

I think I know who the Secretary of Education in the next Republican administration is going to be ....


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