Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Looka Me!

You are a

Social Liberal
(70% permissive)

and an...

Economic Conservative
(78% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

Keep in mind that this is an American test and judged under American political standards, which are increasingly - how do I put this delicately? - fucking stupid.

Here's one example: "The life of one American is worth the lives of several foreigners." Seeing that I am one of those several foreigners, I'd be a moron to agree with that. But my answer makes me a liberal, as opposed to just smart.

Almost every "social" question in the survey had to do with religious observance or practices, which is fine for countries like the United States and Saudi Arabia, but not so much anywhere else. The overwhelming majority of modern democracies, including Canada, are secular.

I also don't like tests that offer "strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree" as answers because those are simple and life is not.

An example of that is this: "Practical considerations aside, a person who doesn't use many government services should pay less in taxes."

If thinking isn't your strong suit, you'd probably strongly agree with that. But that doesn't address things like national defense, which the United States spends more on than the rest of the world combined. Who "uses" that government service? Soldiers use all kinds of government services, including even subsidized travel to exotic locales. And wounded soldiers use even more. Should they pay more in taxes than, say, Donald Trump?

How about tax breaks themselves, which have recently been shown to cost a fucking boatload of money and are an inheritance tax on your kids? If you've gotten through the last decade without seeing that American political economics are actually insane, you haven't been paying attention. You certainly don't remember that it wasn't that long ago (as recently as 1976) that most Republicans opposed tax cuts because they drove deficits.

The quiz is full of stupid questions like that. Oddly enough, my categorization is pretty accurate in the American context. I'm just sad that it didn't notice that I'm 100% adorable.

Quizzie ruthlessly stolen from The Tiger on Politics


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