Friday, September 3, 2010

Christine O'Donnell is Running for the United States Senate, Is Cute, Insane, Likely Evil

I barely know who Christine O'Donnell is, but I've just spent the last twenty minutes thinking of new and exciting ways that I'd like to sexually ruin her. She's not hot, or even smouldering, but she's the kind of "cute" that gives me a mighty erection. She also appears to have nice jugs, despite being a year older than I am.

That being the case, I felt that it was important for me to learn something about her. And, my, but she's about twelve different kinds of crazy. Oh, and almost certainly evil. The more I read about her, the more I wonder if she would float if she was thrown into a well.

Ms. O'Donnell is currently running for the Republican nomination for the United States Senate, to fill the Delaware seat vacated by Joe Biden. Amusingly, O'Donnell won that nomination in 2008 and was promptly stomped like a bug by Biden, who was otherwise engaged being elected vice president of the United States.

Under ordinary circumstances, the GOP has no business even knowing where Delaware is, let alone filling the vice president's Senate seat, but this is no ordinary year. The Democratic Congress and Obama Administration have so gone out of their way to make Americans angry that the Delaware seat is almost a certain pick up for the Republicans. Representative Mike Castle won't even have to get out of bed after the September 15th primary, and he'll still win by about five points.

O'Donnell and the Tea Party Express would very much like to prevent that. Y'know, I guess out of sympathy for all of the seats that the Democrats are going to lose in November. Maybe it would just be nice to let them keep Delaware, and Nevada, and give them Kentucky as a consolation prize. I gave up trying to figure out what those fucking people were thinking over a year ago.

You see, Castle is one of those dreaded RINOs, which means that he's exactly the kind of Republican who can get elected in Delaware. So the Teapublicans would rather lose being pure, rather than actually, y'know, win or something. You're already starting to see the same, wholly predictable, criticisms of Scott Brown, who would really prefer being reelected in a heavily liberal state to being a Tea Party darling.

Catle is running 12 points ahead of likely Democratic nominee and O'Donnell is twelve points behind. But since Mike Castle won't roll over and die to allow Christine O'Donnell to get massacred in a general election again - And Biden beat her by 29% just two years ago - she and her allies have decided to lose ugly.

Wow, that might be the most stellar leap of logic in human history, "Castle voted for Cap and Trade, so he must suck cock, right?" "That's the rumour!"

A leading Tea Party blog that's known to be close to O'Donnell just called the overwhelmingly likely Republican nominee a fag and they thought that this was a good idea. Of course, in doing so, the ad reaffirmed the perception that the teabaggers are bigoted assholes, but what the hell?

As you know, I have any number of issues with the Teapublicans. I think that they idolize idiocy and have no idea how politics or economics actually work. However, I have never said that they were bigots of any kind, simply because there isn't any evidence to support that. The Tea Party is overwhelmingly white, but so is the National Hockey League. So what?

But this is different. This is waving the bloody shirt of faggotry around for no real purpose, from the supporters of a candidate that was actually born doomed.

Any principled conservative should now go out of their way to support Mike Castle. It's no longer enough to throw Christine O'Donnell over the side. This is about decency, people. More importantly, it's a stand against stupidity. How did those morons think that this was going to help anyone, other than the Democrats?

Worse still, refusing to running away from blatant fag-baiting may be one of the smarter things on Christine O'Donnell's resume. And it gets worse and worse. God that interview is one of the most beautiful things that I've ever heard. She's not even smart enough to keep her own lies straight in an interview with a DJ that had previously endorsed her.

She's cute, and I'd fuck her, but she might actually be retarded. While retardation might be a hot quality in date, it's not usually recommended in a United States Senator.

Sure, Dan Riehl is still supporting O'Donnell, but Dan Riehl is certifiably, batshit fucking crazy and doesn't seem to know very much about politics. He only makes sense whilst opining on missing blonds in Aruba, which is something that he really should stick to. Most semi-lucid adults, like the Ace of Spades and Erik Erickson, are rushing to pull the plug on that woman; although Erikson seems to equivocate, seemingly still preferring a candidate that is stupid, dishonest and evil to Mike Castle.

If nothing else, O'Donnell's Senate campaign is interrupting her War on Masturbation, although I can't see how she give up on the really important matters of the day.

Delaware Republican Christine O'Donnell has become a tea party favorite. The Senate candidate says that Rep. Mike Castle, also a Republican, is no different from the Democratic aspirant, New Castle County Executive Chris Coons. And on one issue at least, O'Donnell, really does distinguish herself from her opponents: masturbation.

Back in the 1990s, O'Donnell was the president of a Christian-right group called Saviors Alliance for Lifting the Truth (SALT), and The Huffington Post has taken a look back at her television appearances from the time preaching religious conservatism. On the MTV series "Sex in the 90s," O'Connell called not only for abstinence but avoidance of masturbation.

"The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. So you can't masturbate without lust," she said. "The reason that you don't tell [people] that masturbation is the answer to AIDS and all these other problems that come with sex outside of marriage is because, again, it is not addressing the issue. You're just gonna create somebody who is, I was gonna say, toying with his sexuality. Pardon the pun."
But what if I'm my type? I am, after all , a bachelor.

One of the only things that I've respected about the Tea Party movement is that its stayed as far away from social issues as they humanly could. But even that's starting to change.

It's sure gonna be fun to watch.


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