Monday, March 28, 2011

Want To Meet a Hero? How About Giving Her a Few Dollars?

It seems to me that I've been shit-talking the United States a lot lately. I only do for the same reason O.J did about Nicole, because I care. But there really isn't a country in the world that I love more. If you watch the video above you'll know why.

American exceptionalism really does exit, just not in the way that most folks think it does. It isn't born of a tax code or a spectacular military. It comes from everyday people like Elissa Montanti. She represents everything America is supposed to stand for better than any president, ambassador, or goddamn Hollywood star ever will.

And you know what? She and her group, Global Medical Relief can probably use a few dollars of your money.

With any luck at all, you'll never see your kids limbs blown off by a natural disaster or a weapon of war. But if you do, it would be nice to know that there are fine people out there who want to help you.

As you might have noticed, I don't ask you teenagers to give to charities frivolously. The last time I did was maybe three years ago. But when I see something that I think is worthwhile, I think I should get behind it and point your attention there as well.

It's a U.S charity, so you probably won't be able to claim the deduction on your taxes. On the other hand, so what? I've never claimed those deductions because it doesn't feel like charity if I feel like my giving is subsidized by the friggin' tax code. And I barely have a pot to piss in right now, so there isn't a lot I can do. But maybe you can.

Actually, you know what? I can help.

Right now I'm declaring that I'm going to sign over my first $100 Google Ads cheque to Global Medical Relief. If any of you know who to contact at Google to forward the first hundred dollars directly from my ad account, whenever I build up that much (right now I'm at about 20 bucks), to Global Medical Relief, let me know, okay?

A few hundred of you pop by here every day, so who knows? Maybe between you, you can match my Google Ads donation. That would be pretty cool, no? Let's think of it as a contest without a prize other than our own self-respect.


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