Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Return of Sweater Vest Steve & the Election No One Wins

One wrong move and the pussy gets it!
Because the Liberals and the NDP are crazy, stupid or both, they've spent the last several weeks agitating for an election that isn't going to end well for them.

Actually, it will almost certainly end with Michael Ignatieff getting kicked right out of the country and sent back to Harvard, which is what I think is what he wants. I wouldn't want to be surrounded by a bunch of Liberals either. But if you're polling in the low 20s and still want to force an election, I can't think of another possible motive other than the determination that politics just isn't for you.

Or it could be that Iggy thought that Jack Layton would abandon his last principle and bail the Tories out this time. There were pretty good reasons for believing that, too. Layton, after all, would be going out on the hustings with a fucked-up hip and a prostate the size of a canned ham. It's also possible that the NDP thought Ignatieff would return to being a professional coward.

I can't really imagine what any of those idiots were thinking, but were getting the one thing that no rational person should want - another federal election.

If you scroll down and look to the left of this page, you'll see Canada's federal debt being racked up by the second. Before the Stephen Harper's reign of error began, that debt was being paid off at an impressive rate. I have to give the Chretien and Martin governments for that, if not else. From a fiscal perspective, they were far and away our most conservative government since the end of the war.

And then the Conservatives were elected and immediately began pissing it away through a bizarre combination of supply-side economics, Keynesism and ward-heeling hucksterism. That so-called conservatives continue to support these assholes tells you everything that you need to know about modern conservatism. The Harper Tories are essentially the Liberals, only without the brains or the cynicism.

Anyhow, Harper's shitheel of a finance minister, Jim Flaherty, today handed down a budget that is giving something to everybody. I won't be at all surprised if there's a ball-gag and cock ring tax credit for perverts in there somewhere. Flaherty continued his proud tradition of pissing away all of the money on nothing, despite his having already put in debt up to our fucking eyeballs. If Stephen Harper was any kind of conservative at all, he'd not only fire Flaherty, he'd have him fucking deported.

About an hour ago, Layton decided that he'd rather spend the next six weeks hauling his fucked-up hip and enormous prostate across the country than spend another minute with this Parliament in session. Unless Ignatieff loses some of his false bravado in the next few days, we'll have an election, most likely on May 2nd.

And you know what means? Harper's going to break out that stupid fucking blue sweater vest out again, pretend to be a human being and plead for a majority that isn't going to be given to him. I'm willing to bet that the next Parliament is going to look exactly like the current one. Ignatieff isn't going to pick up seats because he's Ignatieff, the NDP's leader is about three-quarters of a corpse right now, and nobody likes or trusts Harper enough to give him his cherished majority. The only winner in the coming debacle could very well be Gilles Ducceppe and his traitorous Bloc Quebecois, who could very well pick up a bunch of Tory and Grit seats. If I could, I'd vote for the Bloc and I'm not ashamed to admit it at this point.

If I'm right and nothing dramatically changes, Ducceppe might be the only leader left standing at the end of this. I can't see Harper realistically sticking around after fucking up a "sure thing" majority for the fourth time, Ignatieff is just looking for an excuse to quit and flee the goddamned country, and Layton probably won't survive the full 2011 campaign unless he becomes a full-bore fucking zombie.

There's one - and only one - thing Harper has going for him other than the opposition leaders are just as helpless as he is. Ontario has an election this fall, which I'm fairly confident that the monstrous McGuinty regime is ultimately going to win. But McGuinty is low in the polls right now, which means that the Liberal money and machinery is going to Queen's Park at Iggy's expense. That might swing as many as a dozen Liberal seats to the Tories, which could give them a majority if they hold everything everywhere else.

I personally don't think they will. My best guess is that Harper loses as many as half of his Quebec seats to the Bloc, and if his idiot candidates start ranting about abortion and gay marriage again, that will wipe out any possible Ontario gains. And everything looks pretty much the way it does it does now.

The result of that will be ruinous for this country. If I know the Tories - and I do - I don't see them giving the leadership to anyone other than Jason Kenney, the very picture of a ward-heeling huckster. And he's so stupid that he'll go into office thinking that Harper's biggest mistake was that he didn't piss away enough money. Even if the Liberals elect a registered sex offender as their leader, they couldn't possibly be beaten by a Kenney government, and a Liberal minority government headed by a registered sex offender will piss away even more money to prevent being swallowed whole by the NDP someday.

Canada is in much better shape than the United States is, but we won't stay that way for long if this nonsense continues much longer. There is absolutely no indication that anyone is going to get serious about anything in this country anytime soon.


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