Tuesday, April 26, 2011

One More Global Medical Relief Fund Update

On March 28th, I announced that all monies raised from Google Ads through the end of April would be donated to Global Medical Relief Fund. That's this coming Saturday, and so far we've managed to build up a kitty of $208.25. Not bad for five week's work.

I still haven't received my March payment of $69.01, but I'm told that this isn't unusual. From what I understand, the cheque is cut at the end of the following month, so my March payout should arrive at the end of April or beginning of May, and the April payment is made at the end of May or beginning of June. Assuming that goes accordingly to plan, we should be having our little blog meet in the first or second week of June. I'll let you know more as I received payment from Google.

I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think it wasn't an extremely worthy cause. As you probably know by now, Global Medical Relief Fund is one person, Elissa Montanti of Staten Island. She's been rebuilding kids maimed by war or natural disasters pretty much by herself since 1997. She brings them to the United States from all over the world, and arranges for doctors, hospitals and specialists to donate their time and services. If you've been following my fund drive, you likely saw the 60 Minutes profile that I embedded in the post linked above.

I think Ms. Montanti is a real-live hero and her work deserves all the help we can give it. And you folks have been fantastic, exceeding my expectations of how this would work out by a long shot. Thank you for that.

Remember, there are still four days in which we can drive the fund up some. It doesn't take much of your time or effort and it will make all the difference to a child out there. You know what to do.

If you want to contribute to GMRF on your own, you can do so through their website here. I strongly recommend that you do, and would greatly appreciate it. I know that a number of you already have and I thank you again for it.

As an aside, I already have the next charity that I want to help picked out, the only question is the timing. I get that I have to establish some credibility with you so that you know that I'm doing the right thing, so I'll likely launch the next drive around the time of the blog meet.


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