Monday, April 11, 2011

Another Global Medical Relief Fund update

As some of you might remember, I decided last month that I was going to try to raise some money for Global Medical Relief Fund. I initially said that I was going to donate my first Google Ads cheque to them, but I started so late in the month that it hardly seemed like enough. So I extended it to include whatever earnings came through in April as well.

Just because you folks don't really have any reason to trust me, I also announced that there would be a blog-meet sometime in either late may or early June so that you can watch me endorse the cheques and put them in the mail. Then you can buy me a lot of drinks because I'm so awesome. If you want to bring cheques or money orders as well, we can stuff them all in one envelope and show Elissa Montanti - who runs the show by herself from her walk-in closet - just how great the readers of this blog are.

Anyhow, I was going through my Adsense account and thought that I'd let you know where we are now. As of this afternoon, we're up to $171.66 (USD.) According to my estimated earnings (which may or may reflect the final paid out number, I'm told) you've got $69.05 for March and $102.62 thus far in April. Whatever's built up through the end of April goes directly to GMRF. I also have my account set to pay out in U.S funds, so all that needs to happen is for the cheque to be endorsed when I get it.

If this works out, I have an idea for the next charity that I want to do something for, which the dynamic Right Girl pointed out to me recently. I'll let you know more about that in the first week of May.

If you want to give to Global Medical Relief Fund on your own, you can do so here. If I could do  this without committing to a giant public spectacle, I would, so I completely understand. Or maybe you just can't make it to Toronto. Please remember that it is a U.S charity and international donations probably aren't tax deductible.

Thank you again for your help with this. It means the world to me.

Note: If there are any other bloggers out there that want to join in on the fundraising, by all means, feel free. The more money raised, the better, and I'd much prefer that this not be about me anyway. Just drop me a line in the comments or by e-mail at and I'll publicize your involvement with the cause.  


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