Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Home Away From Home

So I started writing a little essay this morning about the death of American talk radio with an eye toward posting it here. The further I got into it, the more pleased I was.

So I got to thinking, "Why put it up here?" When I couldn't answer that question, I submitted it to the great Mike Brock to see if it would be suitable for The Volunteer. As it happens, it was and I couldn't be more pleased by that. You can read my first post there now.

Other than for a very brief time nearly a decade ago, I've never participated in a group blog before and the idea actually makes me really nervous. That's doubly true with the serious and gifted folks at The Volunteer. I respect and admire everyone there and I'm honoured to make any small contribution I can.

You might notice some stylistic differences in my posts over there, not because of any restrictions placed on me, but because I want to try to branch out and see if I can do this without making constant dick jokes or references to forcible drowning. I've been talking about it for a couple of years now and it's time to give it a try.

Let's see what happens, shall we?


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