Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jim DeMint is a Tool

I've hated South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint from the second I laid eyes on the dumb prick. I didn't write about him until recently because I didn't think that he would ever amount to anything. But the "conservative movement" has embraced the shitheel, proving once and for all that the conservative movement should be buried alive. With a bulldozer. Its grave should then be paved over and used as lot lizard memorial. At least transvestite truck-stock prostitutes provide something of value to somebody.

DeMint came up with the laughably preposterous idea that he'd "rather have thirty conservatives in the Senate than the majority", ignoring completely the fact that thirty conservatives doesn't get you shit in the United States Senate. then he held up the nomination for the head of the TSA out of a fear of unionization, but still had the balls to criticize the Obama administration for attempted airline-based terror attacks that took place while he was holding up the fucking nomination.

Now DeMint's trying to get his Tea Party moron minions to vote against raising the debt ceiling. For this Human Events named him their "Conservative of the Year", which pretty clearly demonstrates that the editor's of Human Events have lost their fucking minds.

Let me clarify the issue to those of you that still don't get it. One of the things that raising the debt ceiling will do is allow the United States to raise the money to pay the mounting interest on the existing debt. It'll also you to continue to buy off the senior citizens whose asses you've been polishing of late. You know, the one's that you've been promising the goddamned moon to. I don't like the idea of increasing the debt ceiling. I like the idea of a default even less.

The retards at Human Events feel differently. Apparently, "dine and dash" became a conservative value when I wasn't looking. Hopefully, the GOP will just give their presidential nomination to Gary Collins and be done with already.

The Senator gave Human Events an interview upon receiving his honor.

That might be the most incoherent gibberish I've ever heard. Or the most irresponsible.

Let's see if I properly understand the senator from Waterloo. He didn't vote for the bills that got got America where it is - except for extending tax cuts and war supplementals, he voted for all of those - so he bears no responsibility for America paying it's bills, which is what raising the debt ceiling does. But don't take that to mean that he wants a government shutdown. He doesn't, although that would necessarily happen if the government runs out of money. Even if something desirable (if completely impractical) like a "balanced budget amendment" were added to a debt ceiling bill, he still wouldn't vote for it.

In short, this hillbilly asshole is genetically incapable of making sense.

But let's follow DeMint's logic. A shit-ton of Democrats were elected in 2006 and 2008. One can reasonably assume that most of them opposed the Iraq war and none of them voted for the resolution that allowed it. Would it have been okay for them to vote against war supplemental bills for any reason?

Of course, the answer is no. Once troops are in the field, you either fund them properly or you bring them home. Period. Stop debate. The debt ceiling is a lot like funding an ongoing war. America has gone so far down the toilet that it needs to borrow just to pay the interest on its previous debts. As I write this, it costs about half a trillion dollars just to service the interest on the debt and that number will soon outstrip national defense (about $700 billion a year).

If you want to see that number skyrocket, default on the current debt. The United States is currently at war in a bunch of countries and threatening to attack a bunch of other ones. That costs money, which is going to have to be borrowed. Look at what's happening in Greece, where people are rioting because their free shit got cut off. Now imagine what happens when Social Security checks stop going out in a country that has almost as many guns as it does people. You think Glenn Beck's paranoid survivalist shtick is popular now? Just wait, teenagers.

Congress is ultimately going to borrow a giant wad of money. The only question is whether they do it before or after a technical default. If they do it after, it'll come with awesomely crippling interest rates. The kind that Brazil used to be charged when Brazilians were most famous for eating each other's flesh in the streets.

More importantly, the American people don't give a shit about the debt. Oh, they make all the right noises about it, but they aren't serious. Ask your average Tea Partier, who tends to be collecting Social Security or very close to doing so, if they want their benefits cut. They will shoot you in the face for even suggesting something like that. I saw a poll a few weeks ago that said that 70% of the American people don't want anything of consequence cut.

They don't want to cut spending. They don't want to raise taxes. They want to keep going to war with everybody in sight. But they don't want to borrow money either. Those people don't know what they want, and in that, Jim DeMint is their perfect representative.

For a long time now, I've been saying that the United States will probably collapse as a great power in the next 30 years. I'm seriously beginning to believe that it might happen in the next 30 months.

Something's gotta give, and I now suspect that it'll give sooner rather than later. The death spiral is about to begin and people like DeMint won't allow the country to come out of it before the whole thing crashes into the ground.


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