Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Doug Ford Likes Wasting Money

So Rob Ford got his stay on having his ass kicked out of office next Tuesday. That shouldn't shock anyone, since the complainant, Paul Madger, didn't contest Ford's motion for a stay.

All things being equal, my opinion is that the stay should have still been denied. As my commenter, Jarrett, noted, Ford's appeal relies wholly on the most liberal and expansive interpretation of the law imaginable. And Etobicoke Slim, a guy who not six months ago advocated the Stalinist internal exile of convicted criminals, isn't really known for that. Y'know, unless it's him. The law should always bend over backwards for the Ford family.

The facts are against Rob Ford, and so is any reasonable reading of the law at issue. It therefore stands to reasons that those evil shits would play the "democracy" card.

I can't be sure of this, but I somehow doubt that the Fords would be the only people demanding a by-election were someone named anything but Ford was removed from the mayor's chair, especially this late in the term. Were it anybody but them, you'd be hearing all manner of shouted nonsense about "respecting the taxpayer" and the needless waste of money.

But since it is somebody named Ford at issue ...

“What price do you put on democracy ?” Doug Ford said, when asked about the cost of a byelection, estimated at about $7 million.

“Judges do not elect our leaders, and we’re going to bring this to the people if the appeal doesn’t go through — and that’s it folks.”

Oh, bullshit! This isn't about democracy, it's about the rule of fucking law, you asshole!

What would have happened if Rob had a giant coronary and keeled over? What if he resigned because he had a sense of human decency, instead of being the pig of a human he is? What if he was convicted criminally and sent right to fucking jail for his transgressions?  Would we need an election then?

"Democracy" is nothing more than a talking point to these shitheels. Each and every one of them.

Here's the difference between me and the Ford family; I'd be saying exactly the same thing I'm saying today if our former Sandinista mayor, David Miller, was removed under these circumstances. As a matter of fact, I'd change the law so that any approach by an officeholder to a lobbyist or someone with business before the government for money - for any reason - would be immediately thrown out of office and disqualified from running ever again.

I can pretty much guarantee you that the "Ford Nation" of mouthbreathing sycophants and the wanton hypocritical cocksuckers at Sun Media wouldn't apply that standard to anyone other than Rob Ford. Those arrogant bastards would be the first ones trumpeting "the rule of law" and the cost of a fundamentally worthless election if it wasn't their fat asses on the line.

I'm honest and they're lying. Period.

And while I'm on the topic of Sun Media, can I please point out once and for all that the one media chain that constantly decries the "coarsening of our culture" with big tits and prostitution is the only one that features big tits and hookers advertising in its own back pages.

I'm a big fan of big tits and I think prostitution should be legal. The Sun doesn't. But which one of us is making money from it? It sure as shit ain't me.

You want to know why conservatism is doomed to failure in the long run? Well, there you have it. We became the same smug, self-entitled pricks that we used to call liberals out for being. I can't wait for one of us to drown a fucking secretary and expect to be excused for the trespass because "Ted Kennedy got away with it." We've given up even pretending that our ideas are better and that we should be held to the same standard as drunken, murdering, whoring assholes.

About twenty years ago, we started a fool's errand of holding ourselves to a higher standard than liberals do, but expecting exactly the same treatment as liberals get when we fuck up. And the fact that we, as a movement, decided to elevate the dumbest and most hypocritical cunts we can find as our standard bearers ensures that normal people won't take us seriously unless liberals fuck up so horribly that moderates can't vote for them without wanting to kill themselves.

Because we've resigned ourselves to doing that, not only will we lose, we fucking well deserve to!

Sorry. I know that wasn't exactly germane to my point, but it was something I had to get off of my chest

Doug Ford then went even further into fantasyland.

If his brother remains in office, Doug Ford said the mayor would conduct himself differently because of the blow dealt by the conflict of interest ruling.

“You get hit over the head with a sledgehammer — let’s call facts facts — and you do things a little differently,” he said.

That's a statement that needs to be parsed very carefully because the Fords are fucking retarded. Will Rob ever again hit up lobbyists for his stupid fucking football fetish and then vote about whether he has to pay back the money or not?  I sincerely doubt that he's that goddamned stupid.

But all you have to do is look at what the moronic cunt did when the matter was being decided by the Court. He skipped a number of Council meetings to coach his silly fucking games and at least once commandeered TTC buses to chaufer his fucking players about.

That twat is singularly incapable of learning his fucking lesson and his shithead brother is even worse because he constantly enables the dumb fuck to do bolder and progressively dumber things. When Doug Ford says that  "you do things a little differently," the emphasis should very properly be put on "a little." They'll always find new and exciting ways to embarrass themselves, the city and conservatism until there's nothing left except their own inbred sense of pride.

Look, these assholes want a by-election because they think that they can win it. The left wing of Council wants one because they think they can win it.

For reasons that I've already outlined, this is a titanic waste of money and is nothing more than an engineeered play for political positioning in 2014. And any member of Council who who supports it is my mortal enemy. Any councillor who runs in a by-election - including the Fords - is someone you should vote against if you give a shit about fiscal responsibility.

This isn't a fucking game. The goddamned Ford brothers keep telling us that we don't have $7 million to piss away on a "gravy train," unless, that is, the train stops at their own self-aggrandizing door.

If there's going to be a by-election, I will vote for anybody but the Fords and councillors who vote for an election. I don't give a shit if it's the ghost of Mao Zedong or some homeless pervert. The election itself will be a single issue for me. If you support it, I'll do whatever I can to destroy you.

But I will also use this space to individually target each and every councillor who forces such a needlessly expensive and incredibly stupid exercise on the city. And I'll work my hardest to defeat any councillor that votes for it in 2014. The non-Ford conservatives have been pretty good about this, but I'm keeping my eye on them, as well.

If you're a candidate against the by-election - left, right, or in between - and you want a smart, angry son of bitch to cause some mayhem, you can get me at skippystalinATgmailDOTcom. If this election happens, I don't care who you are or what you believe, I'll just want some good old-fashioned revenge.


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