Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Nikki Sixx is an Understanding Fellow

Nikki Sixx used to do a lot of heroin. Then he died for a few minutes and was taken to the hospital. He then went home and did an even bigger shot of smack than the one that had just, um, killed him. Y'know, because he was dedicated, which is admirable in it's own way, I suppose.

After deciding that dying on a regular basis probably wasn't the best career plan, Sixx went to rehab and got clean for a few years before deciding that cocaine was indeed yummy. He went to rehab yet again and, by all accounts, has remained sober.

Amazingly, this makes Nikki Sixx one of Motley Crue's lesser fuck-ups. He never went to the hoosegow for hitting his starlet wife, like Tommy Lee did. And he can actually bend at the waist, a feat far beyond guitarist Mick Mars. Sixx just died once more than everybody else eventually will.
Oh, and he never actually killed anybody other than himself, which stands out in the pantheon of tales of the Crue.

Singer Vince Neil can't say that. On December 8th, 1984, Neil ran out booze at a party and decided to go on a beer run in his De Tomaso Pantera. This turned out to be a bad idea, given that his blood alcohol level was 0.17, nearly twice California's then-limit of 0.10. Neil's Pantera hit an oncoming car head-on, killing his passenger, Hanoi Rocks drummer Nicholas "Razzle" Dingley, and causing serious brain damage to the driver of the other car.

California being California, Neil was ordered to pay $2.6 million in restitution, and sentenced to 200 hours of community service, five years probation and a grand total of 30 days in County Jail. Because he's so awesome, he was released after 15 days.

It gets better. In the group autobiography, The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band, Neil confessed that Sheriff's Deputies were letting him bang groupies in jail.

To show how truly repentant he was, Motley Crue titled their 2003 box set Music to Crash Your Car To and, in 2007, Neil started a tequila company. So it stands to reason that he'd get busted for DUI again last month.

Thankfully, Nikki Sixx - the "brains" of the Crue - is an understanding fellow. After all, all of this drinking and driving won't fuck with their summer tour, which is what's really important. Priorities, people!
The singer's car was pulled over by police as he drove through Las Vegas last month and he was detained on suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI).

Neil is facing one count of DUI-Liquor and police are also investigating allegations he was embroiled in a scuffle with a female fan who claimed he broke her camera outside the city's Hilton Hotel.

But Sixx is convinced Neil won't let his personal problems have a negative impact on the band - insisting they are all set to join Ozzy Osbourne's Ozzfest tour, which kicks off on 14 August in Devore, California.

Speaking on his radio program, The Side Show with Nikki Sixx, the rocker says, "No, it's not gonna affect the tour at all. I mean, listen, we all struggle with different demons in our life and I think that Vince is not unlike anyone else in the band. He handles his affairs in the way that's right for him to handle them."
Y'know, it's my considered legal opinion that Vince doesn't "handle his affairs in the way right for him to handle them." That's sort of how the fucking police got involved. And his "demons" are pretty spectacular in that they've already created one corpse.

Look, I get that Vince Neil is a 49-year-old fuck-up with an awesome gift for being pathetic. That's a major part of his appeal. But Nicholas Dingley never got to enjoy those years of his life because Neil killed him when he was just 24. That poor bastard's dead, and ol' Vince is out doing the same selfish, stupid shit that killed him 25 years ago.

So fuck the goddamned tour, Nikki. I'm sure that life will continue just fine if we aren't subjected to Dr. Feelgood yet again. If the Nevada courts have any balls or brains, they won't let your drunken dolt of a singer out of the state until his trial's over.

They'll also let O.J Simpson know that he's got company coming.


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