Friday, May 17, 2013

The Big Crack Up

Hey, can we all stop pretending that Toronto mayor Rob Ford isn't the most spectacular fuck-up in human history? Because that'd be great.

I'm addressing that question to braying mob of liberal shitheads out there, who seemingly aren't smart enough to just stand back and let their enemies die on their own. There's just no talking to those assholes.

No, I'm asking this of my fellow conservatives, who almost to a man are determined to be repeatedly humiliated with Ford and his unending follies, both personal and professional.

Not only is Ford a repellent and disastrously ignorant human being, he's endlessly damaging to conservatism. At this point, it's hard not to see how how Etobicoke Slim's only lasting legacy will be inflicting Olivia Chow on the City of Toronto as mayor next year because of his chronic inability to keep his mouth shut and his shit together. And you know what? Conservatives will have no one to blame but themselves.

Look, I don't know for a fact that this morning's allegations of Ford smoking crack in the last six months are true or not. But I'm inclined to believe that they are.

After all, this isn't Hizzoner's first time at the pharmaceutical rodeo.

Ford was actually arrested in Miami 14 years ago for drunk driving and marijuana possession. Any foreigner carrying pot in a jurisdiction as savage as fucking Florida can only be described as hubris-crazed retard. That's ballsy to the point of stupidity. Hadn't that motherfucker ever seen Midnight Express? Florida's a little more merciful than Turkey toward drug offenders, but not much.

Of course, Ford lied about it. 

Then there was the story of Ford promising to get OxyContin for some HIV positive lunatic.

In case you were worried, there are multiple stories about Ford's booze-fuelled craziness, too.

Given the record, it's hard not to believe the crack story. There's just too much history out there now to write it off a fantasy driven by the Goddamned Liberal Media. And as much as my friends on the Right like to pretend otherwise, the Toronto Star isn't in the business of committing professional suicide or setting themselves up to get get sued out of existence.

Yes, the story started with Gawker. And yes, Gawker has a ... dodgy history. But, at this point, Ford can't just rail against the media if these stories are false, he needs to sue. And he needs to sue Gawker in an American court, under the Sullivan v. New York Times Co. standard. As I and my conservative friends have said over and over again, Canadian libel laws are entirely too friendly to the plaintiff.

I can almost guarantee you that by 9 am, Team Ford and their sycophantic bloggers are going to be playing this as another instance of "The media is out to get us." Know up front that that's horseshit.

The fact is that Hizzoner keeps putting himself in the middle of the scandals. When he's not having his picture taken with obvious gangbangers, he's posing with Latvian Nazis.  He keeps doing this to himself. There has yet to be a Rob Ford scandal that hasn't started with Rob Ford's conduct. Not one. Its well past time that conservatives start admitting that.

The "Ford Nation" comprises about the thirty percent of the city that has suffered a grievous head injury. They'll support him if he campaigns in a loincloth made entirely of dead babies. It's become clear that they'll excuse anything from him.

That's enough for Ford to win, assuming that the Left insists on being the Left and runs a dozen candidates.

But what if they don't? What if they decide that Etobicoke Slim is entirely too much of a menace to stay in office, and clear the field for Olivia Chow?

I can see a scenario where she wins pretty big in a head to head race. She'd sweep the downtown core, and pick up more than enough heavily Chinese suburban wards to put her over the top.

Conservatives are playing a dangerous game in a left-wing city, assuming that liberals are just going to let Ford get re-elected in a cakewalk

I'm not. I'm assuming the worst - the the Left will get behind Chow and beat the shit out of Hizzoner, possibly in an asshole blowout. Conservatives that continue to support Ford are potentially voting for the Widow Layton.

Let's see how well that works out for us.

We need someone like John Tory or Doug Holyday to push Ford out of the race, soonest.


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