Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lessons Casey Anthony taught me. Okay, not really

You know, I really didn't expect to learn anything from the Casey Anthony trial except that I really want to fuck her, which I had already learned three years ago. I'll let you in on a deeply held personal secret: I sort of have a thing for slutty, cute girls with big tits. It's shocking, I know.

It doesn't matter to me if the slutty, cute girl with big tits has kids - as two of my slutty, cute exes with big tits did - and it doesn't matter all that much if they decide that they have to murder said kids. It's usually the other crazy shit they do that has me heading for the hills.

And yes, I did just say that I don't care if women murder their kids, so long as the mothers in question are cute and have big tits. You might think that's a horribly depraved and selfish attitude, but I prefer to think that it shows that I have my priorities together. By the way, fuck you.

Anyhow, I figured that the Casey Anthony case might be the least educational experience of my lifetime, but it turned out that I was wrong.

I got home from work last night to find everybody on the Internet - especially Facebook and Twitter - going apeshit with outrage. And I learned a lot from that. Specifically, I learned that everybody's stupid. More importantly, I learned that the more American you are, the stupider you're likely to be.

Most folks are of the opinion that Casey Anthony got away with murder because she's a slutty, cute girl with big tits. I'd respond to them by asking if they think they ever would have heard about this case if she wasn't a slutty, cute girl with big tits. And a dead white baby. Does anyone seriously think that CNN and Fox News would give this story balls-out coverage for three fucking years if Casey Anthony looked like, say, the broad in Precious?

If you answer in the affirmative, I would suggest that you know even less about yourself than you do about the Goddamned Liberal Media. If it were up to me, Congress would currently debating a bill to legally prohibit you from having an opinion at all.  If Casey looked like Precious, this would not only be a two-day story, it would be a two-day local story.

Lookee, I don't even blame the Goddamned Liberal Media all that much. They know their business, and their business just happens to be knowing how sleazy and debauched you are. As it happens, you're plenty sleazy and debauched, as evidenced by the fact that the Casey Anthony story ran for three fucking years to enormous ratings. And you know what? There are going to be at least two TV movies about it before this mess is done.

Do you assholes really think that news outlets aren't spending a giant pile of money on market research? When you think about it, it's as easy as checking their fucking ratings for a five minute block. They know as a matter of absolute mathematical certainty that you live for bodacious whores with dead white babies, and flip the channel to Jerry Springer when they broadcast something about the deficit. That's not a goddamned crazy theory of mine, that's a fucking fact.

If there's one thing that binds North Americans, along with most Europeans and Australians together racially, it's that we love loose-cunted Caucasian infanticide almost as much as we love our own stupid fucking outrage over same. If Ms. Anthony were convicted, the story would have been the joyous dancing in the streets, but the narrative would have been pretty much the same.

Here's another really interesting, if really overlooked way of looking at these stories. When you get played by the media in a criminal trial, you're really getting played by the government. Do you really think that all the tawdry details that wind up on the news before trial are being leaked to the press by the fucking defense? If you do, start asking yourself how favorably those details usually reflect on the defendant. Then punch yourself in the side of the skull because you're a moron. And for Christ's sakes, DON'T BREED!

If you want to see some hardcore institutional sleaziness, look at the twisted relationships between prosecutors and the press. Defense lawyers come and go, but prosecutors are usually elected in the United States and media companies need ratings and readership to make a living. How much access do you suppose a paper's political team would get to a prosecutor's campaign if their crime team is skull-fucking that prosecutor during a criminal trial?

I went to bed listening to everyone screeching about how the system is fucked because everyday duplicitous and craven tactics in the media-justice system failed yesterday, as opposed to 98% of the time that they usually work. And I woke up to more of the fucking same.

Then I noticed how much of the professional outrage is coming from the "Give us constitutional government and ignore the lamestream media" crowd. That's when I realized that pretty much everybody but me is an asshole.

The only reason that I know anything at all about the Casey Anthony trial is that I want to fuck Casey Anthony. The only difference between you and me is that I'm willing to admit it. Then ask yourself which of us is really more selfish and depraved.

In related news: Rush Limbaugh continues to be 312 pounds of stoned, cynical stupidity in a 9 pound bag.

I'd buy that for a dollar! More likely, though, I'd download the BitTorrent.

Marcia Who?


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